Based on Max Payne game series ... I'm also a great fan of Max Payne and the movie is very cool and I like it. More fans are disapointed but some people who doesn't play the game they like it. If you interested about special effects in this movie you can find it in here :

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Petri Jarvhilehto Interview

July 31 , 1998

Universal Gaming has another in their series of interviews online. This time it's with Max Payne producer, Petri Jarvilehto. This interview focuses on a few things seen in the Max Payne E3 video (which you can download for yourself if you haven't seen it). Here's a tidbit:

Max Payne is a story of revenge, but as is conventional for stories of this genre, Max Payne is also a roller coaster ride of cliffhangers, plot twists and surprising revelations. As the story progresses the player's goal is constantly shifting as new truths (and lies) come into the light.

Make sure and check out the entire interview over at Universal Gaming. For more information about Max Payne, check out the Official Max Payne site at